Wednesday, June 14, 2006

First Real Entry/Background/Intro/BBW

Okay so this entry is very, very long in coming. Mostly because of my ethical issues in making a blog. Many of you know that I usually send ridiculously funny emails when out of town (OT), but I have never a) made them open to any other than that chosen few, and b) never allowed my mom to see me write 'pussy'. Oh yeah, and blog is a gay word (not gay like homo, just gay like you know what I mean).
SO, in order to align my behaviour with my beliefs, I will not be writing a 'blog'. I am not sure what the official name of these entries will be. I will be accepting suggestions, but in the interim it will go under the name of Boogie's Big Words, or BBW.

Thoughts 1:30 AM, Wednesday June 14, Watching Tunisia vs Saudi Arabia game.
Okay, It must suck being a goalie. You have like 10 dudes hellbent on scoring on you. You can stop 50 shots, but let ONE miserable goal in and... loser. I prefer to be a scorer thank you. Maybe a wing man (or whatever they call them). I miss one or two and it's no biggie. Plus you get more pussy.
After thought: if you want to prove that I'm right, think of all the soccer players you know. Now which one of them is a goalie? None, toughguy. Not one.

I want to figure out how to go back and put in an entry for each day I've been here in lovely Seoul, Korea. I'll look into it.

Peace out,

Ps This pic is to demonstrate the chaos and bachannalia on Boogie's last night in T.O. It only went downhill from here. Big up J for the pic.


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