Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm back bitches!

Okay, so this is like me coming back to blogging time. I realize its been a while, and people have been hitting me up for the knowledge about Korea, about Seoul, and even about me. So, this edition is kind of a double-whammy. It will have a good subject AND a link to cool pics. Yeah.

So, maybe you wondered why I pretty much cut out blogging. I'll tell you: 1. at some point a Korean friend made some change in my cpu (trying to help me with another project no doubt) and so those sites with variable language capabilities were all in Korean, including this blog program. I couldn't figure it out.

2. I might of worked on it (I eventually did get a K.O. to fix my shit - or rather show me how to work around it) but my laptop cpu keyboard really heats up, and the last thing I need after a sweaty, hot day with kids, is getting hot and sweaty with my cpu (bar porn). Point being, now I bought a new keyboard and shit is nice.

Moving on... I finished my first year in K.O. about 3 months ago. It was at this time that I made two lists. One is the greatest things about Korea (Seoul really) and the other... you guessed it, the shits. So, without further ado, here are my top ten lists of great and shit things about Korea (Seoul).


1. Beer, food and Soju are all cheap and plentiful. A 500cc (a little less than a pint) of draft costs $2.30 a many places. A meal with fresh cooked meat, fish or tofu costs around $5. This includes 'pan chan' which are various FREE/REFILLABLE side dishes. Soju is around $2.40-$3.60 for a bottle.

2. You can sit outside the vast majority of corner stores and drink/eat snacks. Alot of them are 24 hours, you can sit ALL NIGHT at those, and just take in the scene.

3. Very easy to meet locals. I've had many local men/women try to meet me and start up language exchange.

4. The women are beautiful. Forget your KO-Can neighbor. These girls are delicate, pretty flowers.

5. Clothes and shoes are maaad cheap.

6. Pan Chan. Again, free and refillable. Sure to fill the hunger gap... fast.

7. Scooters. Before I came here I knew nothing about scooters or 'autobikes' (gay word for scooter). After my touring trip last ChuSeok, I was so hooked on my rental that I bought one. Mini Scoot Scoots is the current love of my life.

8. People are out at all hours. The streets are NEVER empty. You know in TO on Sunday, shit pretty much wraps up around 11-12? Here the bars stay open, and some areas, like DongDaeMun (clothing market) stay bumping ALL NIGHT!

9. Oh yeah, so you know how I said that it's bumping all night, right? Well the cool thing is that, unlike back home where drunk and drugged and thugged out people fuck the vibe up while you're trying to cool out with that new g, here NO ONE fucks with you. It's mad safe and comfortable.

10. This one is mostly funny: every time a new business opens up, the business owners throw a 'grand opening' affair. Basically they get huge flower arrangements, and then they hire two girls to dance in front of the store all day. I like the second part more.


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