Thursday, June 22, 2006

Horrible corporate ad/No re bang.

Isn't this picture horrible? I found this for maybe MSN's fathers day ads. Who is this guy?! Would you want your fuckin son to be standing in front of you with this shit? He'd be like 'Hi dad! You look freakin fabulous!' and you'd be like 'Get away from me you fuck'. He'd be like 'I brought you some EXCELLENT presents!!!!' and you'd say 'Did you wrap those?...'. And he'd start saying 'why yes,... ' and you'd cut him off with 'and how are you carrying those fucking things? why don't you just stack them like regular people for chris' sakes'. Who are these corporate effluences who make this sickening, nasty stuff? Look at the picture again... who approved this shit? Fire them.

Amongst other places (Macondo Salsa Bar, Itaewon [foreigner centre of Seoul], Apkucheong [bougie bar area]), I went to No Re Bang this past weekend. For those who aren't Korean, NOREBANG is KARAOKE!!!!! Me and this kid Big Joon went to meet this salsa dancer I met online, and we all met up at this bar. We were already nice and she and her PNC left around maybe 4am. We stayed at the bar until 5 or so, hit another one on the way to the main street [fucked up side note: nobody follows streets here. I don't know the name of a SINGLE street here! Not one, man! You use landmarks and meet up close to the spot here!], and then Joon says he wants to find a Norebang. I had been hating on the idea since I got here (they're everywhere near where people drink), but that night the frosty's had me. We go down this funhouse looking staircase and into a basement which has been decorated to look like a dragon's lair! Kind of like Alien. Then we go to our little room, complete with a song book, TWO (!) microphones, and snacks and beer, oh yeah and a massive system. Some of you have heard me singing drunk before, rapping drunk before etc. It's not pretty (pretty tight though). But this night, on this momentous night, this night of new experiences and new friends... it was no different. I felt like I was on the outside listening to myself (the massive system I guess), and I'm ridiculous man!
We massacred many a classic, including: Can't touch this, September (EWF), My Way (Frankie Baby), others. I think I clued in to just how bad we were when I went to the can. Coming back I could hear some horrible sound. Some terrible shrieking coming from the vicinity of our room. It was Joon. And he was around the same quality as me.
Put it like this: when you sing really well, the 'house' will comp you minutes. They took ours away. For real. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...


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